Senin, 29 November 2010

Free Download The Satanic Verses Novel Ebook, Salman Rushdie

Free Download The Satanic Verses Novel Ebook, Salman Rushdie

” Just before dawn one winter’s morning, New Year’s Day or thereabouts, two real, full-grown, living men fell from a great height, twenty-nine thousand and two feet, towards the English Channel, without benefit of parachutes or wings, out of a clear sky.
“I tell you, you must die, I tell you, I tell you,” and thusly and so beneath a moon of alabaster until a loud cry crossed the night, “To the devil with your tunes,” the words hanging crystalline in the iced white night, “in the movies you only mimed to playback singers, so spare me these infernal noises now.”
Gibreel, the tuneless soloist, had been cavorting in moonlight as he sang his impromptu gazal, swimming in air, butterfly-stroke, breast-stroke, bunching himself into a ball, spreadeagling himself against the almost-infinity of the almost-dawn, adopting heraldic postures, rampant, couchant, pitting levity against gravity. Now he rolled happily towards the sardonic voice. “OhŽ, Salad baba, it’s you, too good. What-ho, old Chumch.” At which the other, a fastidious shadow falling headfirst in a grey suit with all the jacket buttons done up, arms by his sides, taking for granted the improbability of the bowler hat on his head, pulled a nickname-hater’s face. “Hey, Spoono,” Gibreel yelled, eliciting a second inverted wince, “Proper London, bhai! Here we come! Those bastards down there won’t know what hit them. Meteor or lightning or vengeance of God. Out of thin air, baby._Dharrraaammm!_ Wham, na? What an entrance, yaar. I swear: splat.”
Out of thin air: a big bang, followed by falling stars. A universal beginning, a miniature echo of the birth of time . . . the jumbo jet_Bostan,_ Flight AI-420, blew apart without any warning, high above the great, rotting, beautiful, snow-white, illuminated city, Mahagonny, Babylon, Alphaville. But Gibreel has already named it, I mustn’t interfere: Proper London, capital of Vilayet, winked blinked nodded in the night. While at Himalayan height a brief and premature sun burst into the powdery January air, a blip vanished from radar screens, and the thin air was full of bodies, descending from the Everest of the catastrophe to the milky paleness of the sea.
Who am I?
Who else is there?
The aircraft cracked in half, a seed-pod giving up its spores, an egg yielding its mystery. Two actors, prancing Gibreel and buttony, pursed Mr. Saladin Chamcha, fell like titbits of tobacco from a broken old cigar. Above, behind, below them in the void there hung reclining seats, stereophonic headsets, drinks trolleys, motion discomfort receptacles, disembarkation cards, duty-free video games, braided caps, paper cups, blankets, oxygen masks. AlsoÑfor there had been more than a few migrants aboard, yes, quite a quantity of wives who had been grilled by reasonable, doing-their-job officials about the length of and distinguishing moles upon their husbands’ genitalia, a sufficiency of children upon whose legitimacy the British Government had cast its ever reasonable doubtsÑmingling with the remnants of the plane, equally fragmented, equally absurd, there floated the debris of the soul, broken memories, sloughed-off selves, severed mother tongues, violated privacies, untranslatable jokes, extinguished futures, lost loves, the forgotten meaning of hollow, booming words,_land, belonging, home._ Knocked a little silly by the blast, Gibreel and Saladin plummeted like bundles dropped by some carelessly open-beaked stork, and because Chamcha was going down head first, in the recommended position for babies entering the birth canal, he commenced to feel a low irritation at the other’s refusal to fall in plain fashion. Saladin nosedived while Farishta embraced air, hugging it with his arms and legs, a flailing, overwrought actor without techniques of restraint. Below, cloud-covered, awaiting their entrance, the slow congealed currents of the English Sleeve, the appointed zone of their watery reincarnation.
“O, my shoes are Japanese,” Gibreel sang, translating the old song into English in semi-conscious deference to the uprushing host-nation, “These trousers English, if you please. On my head, red Russian hat; my heart’s Indian for all that.” The clouds were bubbling up towards them, and perhaps it was on account of that great mystification of cumulus and cumulo-nimbus, the mighty rolling thunderheads standing like hammers in the dawn, or perhaps it was the singing (the one busy performing, the other booing the performance), or their blast-delirium that spared them full foreknowledge of the imminent . . . but for whatever reason, the two men, Gibreelsaladin Farishtachamcha, condemned to this endless but also ending angelicdevilish fall, did not become aware of the moment at which the processes of their transmutation began.
Yessir, but not random. Up there in air-space, in that soft, imperceptible field which had been made possible by the century and which, thereafter, made the century possible, becoming one of its defining locations, the place of movement and of war, the planet-shrinker and power-vacuum, most insecure and transitory of zones, illusory, discontinuous, metamorphic,Ñbecause when you throw everything up in the air anything becomes possibleÑwayupthere, at any rate, changes took place in delirious actors that would have gladdened the heart of old Mr. Lamarck: under extreme environmental pressure, characteristics were acquired.
What characteristics which? Slow down; you think Creation happens in a rush? So then, neither does revelation . . . take a look at the pair of them. Notice anything unusual? Just two brown men, falling hard, nothing so new about that, you may think; climbed too high, got above themselves, flew too close to the sun, is that it?
That’s not it. Listen:
Mr. Saladin Chamcha, appalled by the noises emanating from Gibreel Farishta’s mouth, fought back with verses of his own. What Farishta heard wafting across the improbable night sky was an old song, too, lyrics by Mr. James Thomson, seventeen-hundred to seventeen-forty-eight. “. . . at Heaven’s command,” Chamcha carolled through lips turned jingoistically redwhiteblue by the cold, “arooooose from out the aaaazure main.” MORE???
Download The Satanic Verses

Free Candi Murca, Ken Arok, Hantu Padang Karautan, LKH

Free Candi Murca, Ken Arok, Hantu Padang Karautan, LKH

Apa yang terjadi bila di tahun 2011 ditemukan jejak bayangan sebuah candi dengan ukuran jauh lebih besar dari Borobudur ? Berpikir macam itu identik dengan ide tentang apa yang terjadi jika bumi ini didatangi sebuah pesawat angkasa luar yang besarnya jauh lebih besar dari sebuah kota (Film The Independent Day)
Demikianlah candi itu dibuat pada zaman Mataram tepatnya di masa pemerintahan Rakai Walaing Pu Kumbhayoni. Candi yang sangat besar itu terpaksa dihilangkan dari pandangan mata karena ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang berupaya menghancurkannya, tak ada pilihan lain untuk melindunginya maka ia harus dimurcakan dan hanya dalam bulan purnama tertentu tampak bayangannya, yang hanya lamat-lamat berada di antara ada dan tiada.
Uwwara Kenya perempuan dari masa silam itu, ia memiliki wajah yang amat cantik yang tak pernah pudar meski sang waktu bergeser deras. Bila Uwwara Kenya murka dari keningnya muncul mata ke tiga yang mampu menghanguskan apa pun. Uwwara Kenya dikawal dengan setia oleh tujuh orang pengikutnya yang oleh karenanya disebut kelompok tujuh, didukung oleh ribuan ekor codot berukuran besar, salah satu di antaranya kelelawar berkulit albino yang yang dengan setia melekat mengikuti ke mana pun majikannya pergi.
Tujuh pengikut Uwwara Kenya memiliki pertanda berupa ular melingkar yang menempatkan diri di telapak tangan di balik kulit di atas daging yang apabila purnama datang akan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan tujuh orang gedibal itu, wajah mereka berubah mengerikan dengan kemampuan yang mengerikan.
Namun Uwwara Kenya memiliki musuh yang dengan mati-matian berusaha melindungi candi itu. Musuh yang berderajad Dharmadyaksa sebuah agama itu berusaha mencegah apa pun yang dilakukan Uwwara Kenya bahkan melalui pertempuran yang butuh waktu bertahun-tahun lamanya. Puncak dari pertempuran itu Uwwara Kenya kalah dan memutuskan bereinkarnasi di masa yang akan datang, di mana nantinya ia bisa melanjutkan niatnya menghancurkan candi.
Namun Sang Dharmadyaksa menyusul bereinkarnasi pula.
Download Candi Murca

Arm Tattoos For Men - Tribal, Armband, Skull and More Tattoo Design Tips

Arm Tattoos For Men - Tribal, Armband, Skull and More Tattoo Design Tips

Arm Tattoos For MenThe arm tattoos for men seem to be an expression of our tough and rough side. For us guys, we would love to think that the ladies find it sexy and charming. As you may have noticed, the tats in the arms are easily seen as compared to other body parts. You can find a lot of men with body arts on their upper arm and arm sleeves. The designs also vary like tribal, skulls, and many others.

Arm tats are timeless and even though a lot of men are into back and chest tattoos, arm bands are always trendy. Whether you have a conservative or rebellious personality, this is a great addition to your physical features. Here are great design tips for your arm tattoos:

1. Flames
2. Fire-breathing dragons
3. Tribal designs

4. Skulls
5. Scorpions

More and more people are now willing to experiment on tats. Getting a tattoo is really easy. If you want, you can use the internet to locate body art shops in your area. Find a safe and reputed body ink artist in your area. The artist can provide you with great tips on the right designs. Always consider your personality when choosing the appropriate design. If you're funky or sporty, you can experiment on the most suitable body inks.

Price is another consideration when getting a tat. The quality body ink artists usually charge a reasonable price and this will depend on the area where you want the tat to be. For the arm tattoos for men, the charge is usually lower as compared to the chest or back tats. You can shop around for the best deals but here's a tip - never sacrifice quality with a low price.

The designs mentioned earlier as only some of the most poplar. There are still many other designs in the market that you can choose from like angels, heart, fairy, dolphin, nautical star, tiger, koi fish, and many others.

Men should spend some time in looking for the perfect arm tat that will suit their personality. Thanks to the internet, looking for the perfect body art is really easy. Conduct your search online by using any of the major search engines to find the arm tattoos for men. There are many websites on body arts that you can visit. This is your chance to find the best arm tattoos in the market. Go ahead and find a reputed body artist. If you can find one in your local area the better since you don't have to go someplace else.

Arm Tattoo Me Now

Arm Tattoo Me Now

Arm Tattoo Me Now

World's most intricate tattoos

World's most intricate tattoos

World's most intricate tattoos

Style body tattoo-Exotic Zodiac Signs Tattoos

Style body tattoo-Exotic Zodiac Signs Tattoos

Ridding yourself of the usual and daily boring life can be quite difficult and even impossible for some. Some people may not know any means of how to spice up either their stagnant and plain attitude or their colorless and dull exterior. Are you one of these people? Or perhaps, you might be the type of person who frequently consults the stars and constantly asks for divine intervention? Well, ask no more as the answer to your prayers is definitely just around the corner! Want to know what it is? The thing you might be looking for is what you call - Zodiac signs tattoos!

For thousands of years, the ancient people of the world believed that the stars and all the heavenly bodies brought about the destiny and fortune of everyone. Almost every single constellation seen in the skies were given meaning and interpretation to help guide the people to the right path. As time passed, these people created the zodiac. The zodiac has two forms depending on its origin. The first form is the western form in which it consists of the 12 signs namely: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. On the other hand, the other form is the Chinese zodiac which consists of the 12 animals which represents each year namely: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

No matter what type of zodiac signs tattoos you get, you are surely going to have a lot of fun and memories with it. Most people particularly of the western hemisphere who do get this kind of tattoo design usually go for the western zodiac and get their own zodiac sign rather than another and the same goes for people of eastern descent, they mostly get the zodiac they were born in rather than someone else' zodiac sign.

It is important to take note however that the procedure of getting a tattoo whatever design it may be can prove to be quite painful and stingy to almost all first-timers. This is because of the method of using extremely pointed and sharp needles to prick into the surface of the skin continuously until the indelible ink reaches its final destination which is the dermis layer of the skin. This is vital because those inks that fail to be embedded into the dermis layer usually result to a not so permanent color meaning it will fade away in no time. Indelible ink that is on the other hand correctly placed in the dermis layer of the skin will have permanence and will not come off even with daily wear and tear and washing.

Also, it is vital that you not just get a tattoo from anyone. You must be really sure that you get a tattoo from an expert and respectable one. After all, you do not want to get hurt... much! Go for a clean and well-managed tattooing station or area, this will help you get an idea of how good their resident tattoo artists are.

New Tatoo Body Crazy Girl

New Tatoo Body Crazy Girl

 Chest Tribal Tattoos For Men and Women's
Before deciding to get this kind of body art, you must ensure that the design is well thought out and at least the user to Meaningful. This reduces the possibility of regret in the end get tattooed. In addition, the chest is a great area to get inked so there is plenty of room for creativity and imagination. To capitalize on this large canvas skin art.