Senin, 29 November 2010

Tongue Tattoos Galore - Crazy and Bizarre

Tongue Tattoos Galore - Crazy and Bizarre

Tongue tattoos? Where else on the human body can be a more insane place for a tattoo.
A while ago, I came across something that totally made my brain wander: Tongue tattoos. Of course, you may say, this is insane but I am intrigued with it none-the-less. Will I get one any time soon? I do not think so but even though I may wimp out on this insane tattoo, I still feel that this particular art form is incredible and bizarre at the same time!
I am fascinated with this from an artist's viewpoint. Believe it or not, many of these tongue tattoo designs are pretty cool looking. At the same time, I have also realized that tongue tattoos are a perfect compliment to tongue piercing.
According to several individuals who had a tongue tattoo inked for them have admitted it hurts like hell and to speaking after the procedure is difficult. However, the reward of being able to flash out their tongues and surprise people who are would not usually expect this is worth the suffering.
Even more, some individuals have said that foods taste like burnt skin after getting this ink job on their tongue. That would stink!
Upon searching more, there was this article saying that in the early eighteen hundreds, the Hawaiian Queen Kamamalu got a tongue tattoo inked so that she could show her grief for the death of her mother in law. This process was documented by a missionary named William Ellis who stated that "the queen must be in great pain", she replied; "He eha nui no, he nui roa ra ku'u aroha.", which is translated in Hawaiian as: Great pain indeed, greater is my affection.
The color pigment should hold if tattooed properly with a syringe. By using a certain injection style of tattooing the tongue, there is a procedure called "a forced blow out" which is created beneath the skin. This is done by injecting pigment into permanent layers of skin, as it is known in tattooing. A word of caution is you have to be aware not to inject the pigment intramuscularly.

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